MCU Innovative Nursing Journal is committed to maintaining academic integrity and ensuring that all articles published in this journal are original works and free from plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious violation of academic ethics that includes copying or using others' ideas, writing, data, or findings without proper acknowledgment.

Plagiarism Policy:

  1. Author Responsibility: Authors submitting articles to this journal must ensure that the article is an original work that has not been published elsewhere and is free from plagiarism. All citations, references, and ideas taken from other sources must be clearly and appropriately acknowledged according to the relevant citation guidelines.

  2. Plagiarism Check: All submitted articles will undergo plagiarism detection using reputable and reliable plagiarism detection software. If substantial similarities to other published works are found without proper attribution, the article will be rejected, and the author will be asked to revise or withdraw the submission.

  3. Actions Against Plagiarism: Articles found to contain plagiarism will face serious consequences, including but not limited to:

    • Rejection of the article.
    • Retraction of an article that has been published if found to contain plagiarism.
    • Notification to relevant institutions and parties involved.

We encourage all authors to adhere to high academic standards and ensure that their work is honest and transparent research.