MCU Innovative Nursing Journal is committed to enhancing the visibility and accessibility of the scientific articles published through indexing in internationally recognized databases. Indexing in major scientific databases allows the published articles to be reached by a broader audience, including researchers, academics, and practitioners worldwide.

Indexing Policy:

  1. Article Indexing: All articles published in MCU Innovative Nursing Journal will be submitted for indexing in prominent scientific databases, both local and international, such as:

    • Google Scholar
    • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
    • PubMed (for articles related to medical and surgical nursing)
    • Scopus (based on article relevance and quality)
    • Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISJD)
    • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
  2. Indexing Criteria: Articles published in this journal will be selected for indexing based on the following criteria:

    • Relevance of the topic to the nursing and healthcare field.
    • Quality of the research methodology used.
    • Originality of the article and its contribution to scientific knowledge.
    • Adherence to the journal's writing and formatting guidelines.
  3. Purpose of Indexing: Through the indexing process, MCU Innovative Nursing Journal aims to:

    • Enhance the impact and visibility of the research published.
    • Provide easier access for researchers, healthcare professionals, and readers interested in nursing-related topics.
    • Accelerate the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the field of nursing and healthcare.