o ensure a smooth publication process and high-quality standards, MCU Innovative Nursing Journal requires authors to follow the established writing guidelines. Below is the complete guide for authors submitting articles to this journal:

1. General

  • Submitted articles must be original works and not previously published.
  • The article must be related to the field of nursing and have significant scientific contribution.
  • Authors are fully responsible for the originality of the work and must ensure there is no plagiarism in the submitted article.

2. Article Format

The submitted article should adhere to the following format:

  • Article Length: Maximum of 5000 words (including abstract, references, and tables/figures).
  • Language: Articles can be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English.
  • Article Structure: The article should be structured as follows:
    • Title: Clear and reflective of the article's content.
    • Abstract: Maximum of 250 words, covering research objectives, methodology, main findings, and conclusion.
    • Keywords: Three to five relevant keywords.
    • Introduction: Background of the problem, research objectives, and related literature review.
    • Methods: The methodology used in the research.
    • Results: Research findings with clear explanations.
    • Discussion: Analysis and interpretation of results, including implications for nursing practice.
    • Conclusion: Summary of key findings and recommendations for further research.
    • References: Using APA 7th Edition referencing style.

3. Article Submission

  • Articles should be submitted via our online submission system on the provided platform.
  • Authors must register an account on the journal site before submitting the article.
  • Articles should be submitted in .docx or .pdf file formats.
  • All figures, tables, and graphs must be included in the article with clear captions.

4. Review Process

  • All submitted articles will undergo a peer-review process by two reviewers who are experts in the nursing field.
  • This review process ensures the quality, originality, and relevance of the article to the nursing discipline.
  • Authors will receive feedback and may be required to revise their article before it is accepted for publication.

5. Publication Ethics

  • Authors must adhere to publication ethics, including avoiding plagiarism, data fabrication, and misuse of citations.
  • Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest relevant to the reported research.
  • All listed authors must approve the submission and publication decisions.

6. Article Processing Charges (APC)

  • MCU Innovative Nursing Journal is an open-access journal. Authors whose articles are accepted for publication will be required to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) after the article is accepted.
  • The APC supports the editorial, publication, and open access distribution process.

7. Copyright and Licensing

  • Articles published in MCU Innovative Nursing Journal will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  • Authors retain the copyright of their work but grant the journal permission to distribute the article under this license.