MCU Innovative Nursing Journal is committed to ensuring sustainable access to all published articles. We implement an archiving policy to ensure that all articles remain accessible to readers and researchers in the long term.

  1. Article Storage
    All articles published in MCU Innovative Nursing Journal will be stored in our digital repository and made freely accessible to the public.
  2. Open Access
    Articles will remain freely accessible worldwide. We are committed to maintaining the open access status of the articles once published.
  3. Backup and Security
    We regularly perform data backups to ensure the continuity of the archive and data security.
  4. External Archiving
    We plan to collaborate with various external archiving platforms, such as international research databases and open repositories, to ensure the availability of articles beyond our site.
  5. Article Maintenance
    Articles will remain in the journal's archive with proper metadata management and will be available for download at any time by readers.